Rede de Atenção à Pessoa Indígena Instituto de Psicologia Departamento de Psicologia Experimental

Encontro internacional – Psicologia indígena, saúde e bem-viver

Indigenous Psychology is a worldwide intellectual movement in response to the colonization/hegemony of Western psychology, focused on the need for indigenous communities to solve their local problems through practices and applications that are consistent with their ways of life, the need for indigenous peoples to recognize themselves in the constructions and practices of psychology, and the possibility of indigenous philosophies and concepts generating general discourses and theories. On this basis, the International Meeting Indigenous Psychology, Health and Well-Being aims to bring together researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students from Brazil and abroad, linked to psychology and areas of knowledge in interdisciplinary dialogue with psychology, with indigenous people and indigenous professionals, to share experiences and reflections on the constitution of the field of Indigenous Psychology. Focusing on: 1) the dialog of psychology with the masters of indigenous knowledge; 2) ethical and technical issues in psychological care for indigenous people; 3) the interdisciplinary dialog of indigenous psychology with proposals for environmental conservation; 4) the interdisciplinary dialog of indigenous psychology with proposals for training and education; 5) the Mãori experience of building indigenous psychology; 6) the interdisciplinary dialog of indigenous psychology with proposals for inclusion and belonging at university and in health institutions; 7) the dialog of indigenous psychology with cultural psychology; 8) indigenous conceptions, practices and environments for health and well-being; and 9) the dialog on academic projects in the field of indigenous psychology, from Brazil and abroad, by receiving applications to present papers.

Período: 20 a 24 de outubro de 2025.

Local: Instituto de Psicologia da USP


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