Rede de Atenção à Pessoa Indígena Instituto de Psicologia Departamento de Psicologia Experimental

Report: Technical Visit to the Tikmũ ́ũn Life and Circulation Territories

The technical visit to the Maxakali territories, located in the northern region of Minas Gerais and the southern region of Bahia, aimed to find ways to address some of the demands coming from the Maxakali communities, as well as to discuss issues that affect their health and well-being. This was pursued through contact with the community itself, institutions focused on relevant work for the required demands, and government agencies that must deal directly with these issues. The structure of the visit included trips to various cities and different types of meetings, all focused on the same objectives with different agents who can act on the challenges presented. At the end of the visit, recommendations were made to support the Maxakali community, their relationship with urban spaces, and also university spaces.

The visit provided many reflections and closer connections between community agents and external agents (academics, institutions, and government) who cooperated to address the stated needs. More information about the territory, the activities carried out, and discussions can be found in the following report (in portuguese).


Cultural and university extension activities carried out with support from FAPESP (Grant Number 22/04906-3) and CNPq (Grant Number: 306149/2023-0).